40th Annual Festival Of Trees


This year marks the 40th anniversary of the TriState Health Foundation’s Festival of Trees, a tradition that has brightened the holiday season of the Lewis-Clark Valley for generations. What began as a modest fundraiser has blossomed into a hallmark event, drawing in hundreds of visitors each year. From the humble beginnings of a few locally decorated fresh Christmas trees to the grand, immersive experience it is today, the Festival of Trees has transformed into a vibrant reflection of community spirit, creativity, and charitable giving.

The Festival of Trees’ inaugural event, called the Evergreenfest, took place in November 1985 in the original TriState Health parking lot on Highland Avenue. Though small in scale, the event instantly captured the hearts of attendees. The simple joy of seeing local businesses and families come together to create something magical for the community laid the foundation for what would become a cherished annual event.

“The first Festival of Trees was held outside of the hospital on the front lawn and in the parking lot. It was a chilly day, but I remember it being very festive,” recalled Vivian Day, long-time supporter of the TriState Health and TriState Health Foundation. “To my recollection, there were about 10 trees. I even bid on a tree that year and I remember paying $125 for it.”

“Boy, we sure have evolved into greater things, haven’t we?” continued Dr. Wayne Day, TriState Health Board Member. “The vision was there of being something that we could continue. A vision that it could grow, be better, and begin to earn money for the TriState Evergreen Foundation. Little did we know that it would evolve into what it has become today.”

Over the decades, the Festival of Trees has grown to include mini trees, wreaths, and family-friendly events to become a fully immersive holiday experience for all ages. The addition of live entertainment, fine dining, and live and silent auctions at a Gala event have transformed the festival into a holiday tradition that families and friends look forward to attending year after year.

What has remained constant over the last 40 years of the Festival of Trees’ is its commitment to support TriState Health and the overall health of the community. Every tree is auctioned off, with proceeds supporting the exceptional care provided by all of TriState Health’s inpatient and clinic services. Over the years, the Festival of Trees has raised hundreds of thousands of dollars for expansion projects and advancing technology.

“Watching the community come together for a common cause is what makes the Festival of Trees special. The need for extraordinary healthcare is universal, and we know the impact of providing our services to the community is essential for ensuring its’ well-being,” remarked D’Lynn Ottmar, Chief Development Officer. “This event has changed and grown through the years, but at its heart, it’s still about making a difference!”

This year’s Festival of Trees is happening November 21 – 23, at the Clearwater River Casino & Lodge. The Gala and Auction event will include thirteen beautifully decorated large trees, displaying a blend of traditional and cutting-edge designs, as well as trips and experiences that will have attendees racing to bid. For those who are unable to attend the Gala on Saturday, November 23, we are excited to welcome you and your family to participate in our Remembrance Ceremony on Thursday, November 21, and Community Day on Friday, November 22. Come wander through the lighted trees, bring your children to find Mrs. Pockets for a special treat, and be sure to bid on a mini tree or wreath of your own for a chance to take home some festive décor.

As the Festival of Trees celebrates four decades of holiday magic, it serves as a reminder of the event’s remarkable journey – from a small local fundraiser hosted in the hospital parking lot – to a cherished tradition that continues to touch lives year after year. We hope you will join us as we celebrate the beginning of the 2024 holiday season at TriState Health Foundation’s 40th Annual Festival of Trees!