Welcome to a better state of health.
Although our name has changed, what hasn't is our decades-long commitment to the health of this region that is even stronger today.
We’re bringing more advanced technologies and expanding access and services to offer more convenient, more comprehensive care – right where you live. From our new name, to our expanded facilities and compassionate team, we’re committed to helping our friends, families, and neighbors live in a better state of health.
Our History
In 1955, a group of dedicated community members came together to establish Tri-State Memorial Hospital, now TriState Health, as the only not-for-profit hospital in the Lewis-Clark Valley. Funds to build the hospital were donated by individuals and corporations as the American War Mothers went door-to-door, eventually raising $490,616. This large fund, combined with a federal grant of $295,600, made a grand total of $786,216 dedicated to building a new hospital. TriState was, and is, a living memorial to those who gave their lives for this country.

This is TriState Health
Our Mission: Your Health Is Our First Priority!
Our Vision: We place the healthcare needs of our community first by partnering to bring care beyond our walls through innovative technology and collaboration. We are a regional healthcare leader and employer of choice, delivering the highest quality of care to facilitate health, healing, and wellbeing throughout our community and those we touch.
Our Values:
- Quality. Through teamwork, we strive to continuously improve our quality of care and service.
- Compassion. We are the caretakers of our community and we treat each patient, partner, and team member with a tender touch and an unparalleled level of care.
- Respect. We create a culture of respect by engaging professional staff who demonstrates respect for each other, our patients, and their families.
- Collaboration. We seek healthy partnerships – both within and outside our walls – to build teams that deliver the highest quality of care.
- Innovation. We embrace and integrate new ideas and technology to improve our community’s health and wellness.
A better state of community.
A better state of community begins with a commitment to give back and to be a good community partner. It is a commitment that would not be possible without the dedication and hard work of our physicians, employees, volunteers, and board members who believe in making our community healthier now and for future generations.
A better state of technology.
A better state of technology begins with embracing new ideas and technology – from the addition of our da Vinci Surgical System to our new CT Scanners and from our new MRI machine to Telemedicine, we’re committed to integrating the latest technology to improve our community’s health and wellness.
A better state of care.
We are the caretakers of our community and we treat each patient, partner, and team member with a tender touch and an unparalleled level of care. A better state of care is supported by our mission to create a welcoming and compassionate environment where we provide the best medical care to every patient.