Through philanthropy we impact the health of our community.

TriState Health Foundation

TriState Health Foundation has provided TriState Health with more than $19 million in support for the advancement of equipment, services, and programs that benefit our community. From advance technology used to treat diseases to comfort care services, your gifts touch the lives of our patients every day.

Hospital philanthropy harnesses the power of generosity to transform the health and well-being of our community. It gives our patients and families a way to express gratitude and give back, and a means for community-minded individuals and corporations to invest in our vision to provide a link between our community and health for today and tomorrow.

Our Mission

TriState Health Foundation is devoted to helping TriState Health place people and their health as the first priority.

Our Vision

TriState Health Foundation is committed to providing the link between our community and healthcare for today and tomorrow. “Today’s investment in tomorrow’s health.” 

Your Gifts At Work

Thank you to our community for your continued support throughout the years. Since our opening in 1985, your generous gifts allow us to continue placing people and their health as the first priority. The Foundation provides financial resources and philanthropic leadership to meet the rising healthcare needs of the patients services by TriState Health. The below items are funding from donations given throughout the year.

The Eagle Society acknowledges lifetime donors who gave to TriState Health Foundation of over $10,000 or more. They are recognized in TriState Health publications and on our donor list posted in the hospital. Members of this elite group are also invited to Foundation events and receive timely updates about hospital services and activities. 

For more information on becoming a member of the Eagle Society, call the Foundation office at 509.758.4902 or email

TriState Health Foundation’s Business Relations Committee serves to strengthen relationships between the hospital and local businesses. This committee is comprised of area businesses that support the advancement of healthcare in the Lewis-Clark Valley. Membership in Healthy Business Partners is a tired-level of annual giving.

Business owners and representatives are given the opportunity to participate in Foundation events and receive invitations to health and wellness seminars and health information resources for employees.

For more information about becoming a Healthy Business Partner, contact the TriState Health Foundation at 509.758.4902 or email

Led by the Foundation’s W.H.A.T. Club Committee, TriState employees pledge their time and financial support as part of the Foundation’s W.H.A.T. Club, which was named by the committee and stands for “We Help Achieve Tomorrow.”

Throughout each year, the W.H.A.T. Club Committee is given the opportunity to decide on project(s) to put employee-raised funds toward. Given the Foundation’s “Enhancing the Patient & Employee Experience” over time the dedicated funds have upgraded the family waiting rooms in the hospital’s ICU, Medical/Surgical, Emergency, and Day Surgery areas with the hope of creating a more peaceful and comforting environment for family and friends while visiting loved ones.  They also dedicated funds to updating the appearance of the hospital cafeteria, and through an employee contest, has renamed the cafeteria the “1221 Campus Café.”  There are many examples of how the W.H.A.T. Club Committee has helped enhance your TriState experience.

For more information, please click here to download the W.H.A.T. Club Invite Brochure. If you are a hospital employee and would like to become involved, please contact the Foundation at 509.758.4902 or

The TriState Health Foundation Cornerstone Giving recognizes annual support of $100 or more per year. 

When you join the Cornerstone Giving with an annual, tax-deductible gift of $100 or more, your name will be recognized in Foundation publications, and displayed on the Cornerstone Giving recognition wall in TriState Health. You will also receive invitations to events.

For more information, call the Foundation office at 509.758.4902 or email

TriState Health Foundation is working on creating a Securing the Dream Legacy Endowment for TriState Health. We are encouraging donors to leave a legacy for our hospital with a planned gift. There are many types of planned gifts such as:

  • Gifts of stocks, bonds, or real estate 
  • Naming TriState a beneficiary in an insurance policy 
  • A bequest in your will 
  • A provision in your trust

For more information on our Legacy Endowment for TriState Health, click here

The Foundation’s Legacy Circle recognizes those who have made arrangements to include TriState Health Foundation in their estate plans and have made the Foundation office aware of their plans. With permission, your name will be added to a permanent recognition board in a prominent location in TriState Health. Members will also receive all hospital publications and will receive invitations to special hospital events. If you have considered the Foundation in your estate plans, we do not need to know the details of the arrangements that have been made; we simply want to be able to thank you.

Consult your attorney or financial planner to determine the best method for allowing you to leave a legacy.

For more information, click here to check out our planned giving website, call the Foundation Office at 509.758.4902, or email